Monday, April 15, 2013

Aurawhite vs Maixara..

Hari ni rasa cam nak update in BM lak...Dah lama sangat tak update, memang dah bersawang laman sesawangku..hiuhiu...Macam tajuk di atas, Aurawhite vs Maixara...Apa ke J nya nak update dengan tajuk sebegitu..? Sebenaqnya cheq nak ceqhita pasai pengalaman cheq yang baqu consume aurawhite n maixara selama 3 minggu...Baqu telan 3 minggu dah nak bising ka..? puhlisss....

      Chup3x....puhliss....bukan nak bising ka hapa, saja ja nak berkongsi rasa n pengalaman....xsalah pom..*kuak rambut kebelakang...

Tudiaa.....nindia benda yang cheq dok telan 3minggu berturut2.....Kalau dah update benda-benda cam ni mesti qamai yang tertanya-tanya apa kesan dia kan...Walau apa pon yang kita cuba/makan/telan/langgah mesti kita nak tau apa kesan dia pada badan kita...Berkesan ke x? Betui ka jadi putih? Ka kelabu asap macam dulu gak..hiuhiuhiu....

        Kebanyakan review yang cheq baca sebelum beli menatang produk ni, semua pakat dok kata memang terbukti berkesan dalam masa 2 minggu berturut-turut dengan syarat ikut peraturan masa minum menatang produk ni. Antara syarat dia, xle minum teh, kopi, ayaq gas, mesti minum masa perut kosong, kena minum 2 skoop sehari dll. Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut bole tanya pakcik google k..Cheq nak ceqita panjang pon bukan Cheq juai pon....hiuhiuhiu....

           Tudiaa tudiaa.....nindia lagi satu menatang  produk kesihatan yang cheq beli....Kalo nak ceqita pasai content dia, qasa2 macam sama dua kali lima jah dengan aurawhite kat ataih nuh..Bezanya cuma hat ni dalam bentuk tablet untuk dikunyah/telan/kemam/hisap, hat yang ataih pulak untuk dilanggah diminum. Fungsi pong lebeyh kuqang sama ja....

          Kalau dah fungsi sama awat yang hang pi beli sampai dua2? Tamak halobak/sombong/bongkak/takabbur/tahyul sungguh... Ala, ni semua salah FB......Tudiaaa....Tetiba semua jadi salah fb, apa salah/dosa fb kat hang habaq mai....puhlisss....Ceqhita dia macam ni, alkisah, kawan sek aku dah add aku masuk dalam group Kosmetik Murah Giler..Semua salah group nih...(Sila tekan supaya hangpa pon terbeli). Cheq yang innocent ni pon masuk la group tuh. Sekali ada depa juai online barang2 kesihatan/kosmetik/kecantikan....Cheq yang xbrapa nak cantik ni pon apa lagi, terpengaruh la. Kebetulan, ada promotion untuk aurawhite n maixara trial set punya untuk sebulan. Aurawhite 200 000mg + maixara 30 ketul = RM 130. Cheq pon apa lagi, ketaq kepala sangat nak beli, maka terbeli lah kedua2nya.

       Nak tau apa kesan? Kesan dia, alhamdulillah, kulit muka cheq yang selalu menggelupas dan kering dah jadi lembab. Dah tak menggelupas macam katak dulu dah. Kira ok la tuh. Parut pon dah nak kurang. Bagi pengetahuan hangpa semua, harga set aurawhite RM 150 (sm) n RM 160 (ss). Maixara lak RM 95. Bagi sapa-sapa yang berminat, boleh la join group yang cheq bagi tu, bukan apa, senang kalau nak beli. xyah nak pi caqi kat kedai. Buang masa ja..Hamboih, sombong/bongkak/takabur sungguh la.....hiuhiuhiu....Lagipon, group tu banyak juai barang yang sesuai untuk kegunaan wanita. (yang laki pong bule)....Selamat mencuba...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Overdose thinking

Have you ever imagine what ur life would be if ur mom or other family members passed away? When I was at school, me and my beloved bff often talked about this matter...When our teacher got mc or meeting, we both love to share our feeling..She once said to me, "I cant imagine how my life would be if my mom passed away before me"....Me too said the same thing...then, we both keep hoping that we were to passed away before our moms.....

And guess what, it happened... She passed away before her mom..And it happened without any sign and goodbye..Who knows she was fated to die in an accident in such young age..In my heart, she remains as 19 years old girl.Now, three years has been passed by and its hard to find her replacement in my heart..Me and she had been friend since in elementary school until high school..And I believe that her dead was in bless.....

Its hard to put it in words how much we were treasured each other as bff....Friends come and go, but we remained the same as bff, never let go of each other....Up till now, she still my bff and everytime i look at her picture, i could flash back what we were experienced back then together...people always said that if want to know who is in girl's heart and soul, just open up their wallet, and the person is the one who in the picture in the wallet....I bet its true since i put our picture together in my wallet and bring it everywhere i go...... Thanks for giving me opportunity to be your bff even though you are not here anymore....All the memories will still be in my heart....Indeed, you were the SPECIAL one....Thanks 4 everything....


Friday, January 4, 2013

Expect for unexpected event

Have you ever been like "Aaah, im screwed...." "What I've done..?" "My life is ruined!!" " Only afford to being pasrah" right after get out of exam hall.....? Yeah, every semester right after get out of exam hall those are my dialogue session with my self. Almost in every subject.....Taking law stream sometimes makes my life mess, with all the cases, statutes, maxims, principles and all that related. My teacher at school after knowing that im taking law degree once said " ur life is gonna be tough, in the time as a student and in profession..." And im thinking that, "what sorcery is this..? you should be the one who cheer and support me, not to utter that kind of words which makes my brain cant stop from thinking this damn ques "can i do it? can I do it? can i do it? can i do it? can i do it?" (repeat until tired)- this is the most psycho moment. As for my fellow friends, the most cliche dialogue would be like "wah, future lawyer, if one day im in jail i'll contact you"..."u r taking law? it gonna be awesome"...Its gonna be fun they said....And my experience, just this -

why the jurist lied down too many principle? why so many cases? why so many blablablabla...

and many things in life i have to choose these:
 Law student’s “illusion” of choice

Sometimes its hard for me to close my eyes in the night cz my brain will always reminds me this "many work to do and yet, you wanna sleep?" And.......yeap, i choose to sleep....hahaha....and in exam this will happen 
After Every ******* Exam 
Take a deep look to the exam ques and just give a bundle of crap answer......yeah, thats my expertise...
Meanwhile waiting for the result come out, just expecting for unexpected result.....